Monday, October 20, 2008

Giving Goals

Monday, October 20, 2008
Church was absolutley wonderful today! We had a guest preacher today come and give the sermon. His name was Dr. Elijah Stansell, and he was AMAZING to say the least. Today was commitment Sunday, so the sermon was on giving. The message spoke to both Evin and I very much, and God put this really cool idea on our hearts that I want to share with you.

This is what Evin and I are doing from today on. I have been praying about how I can give more to the Lord. How I can give without being rich, how I can give unselfishly, how I can give daily, etc.
Well, the Lord answered my prayers today, and here it is.
Giving Goals...
Every Sunday evening Evin and I are going to sit down and write ways that we want to give to God that week. (We started tonight.) Here's the catch...
You have to actually put the effort into completing these "giving goals." We are starting with only 3 each, and then adding one each week. After you reach one of your "Giving Goals", cross it off the list. Put it on the refrigerator or somewhere you will see it everyday. This list of "Giving Goals" is a visible reminder of the ways that you are going to give to God that week.
If you want to, do this with us!! I am posting my "Giving Goals" on the side of my webpage, and I encourage you to do the same.
Just think, if everyone had at least three "Giving Goals" a week, the Lord will be recieving so many blessings from his children he won't even know what to do! :)

Have a BLESSED week!!!

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