Sunday, November 9, 2008

Fitz The Fox

Sunday, November 9, 2008
Evin went to pick up Ashtin this weekend, and before Evin even had a chance to say anything, this was the conversation.

"So Daddy, who did you vote for?"

Evin: (taken back for a second that his five year old daughter just asked him who he voted for):
"John McCain. Why?"

Ashtin: (In an aggravated voice)
"Well in school I voted for Betsy The Beaver, but Fitz The Fox won."

Evin: (trying not to laugh hysterically)
"Do you know who won the real president election?"

Ashtin: (rolling her eyes and shaking her head disappointed):
"Yeah... Rock Obama."

If only life was as simple as voting for Betsy The Beaver and Fitz The Fox... :)

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